“Creating Magical Offerings For Community With Healing Intention”


We would be honored to help facilitate and celebrate your path of deep personal inner growth by holding sacred space for you!!

Each intentional offering is created from our hearts to yours and can be held within both a comm-unity event and/or an individual healing session.

Healing Ceremonies

A co-creation that is deeply rooted in love and intention for the comm-unity to come together as one. A place to hold space for one another on our individual path of personal inquiry, reflection and expansion while simultaneously sharing a collective soul shifting human experience.

Each gathering is built on a strong foundation of trust, compassion, respect and safety so that a light of awareness can shine brightly with love on all that is awaiting exploration and empowerment. There is an ebb and flow of many elements that inspire great wisdom, insight, intuition and knowledge-in-action transformation. They are cultivated and designed to help open our hearts, clarify our intentions, transmute our pain, liberate our old narratives and align us with our highest self.

Multidimensional Sound Alchemy

“The Medicina’ of the Past, Present and Future”. The healing power of sound has been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years. As we live in a vibratory universe, everything we sense, feel, see and touch is pure energy vibrating according to the laws of creation. 

Sound healing is a powerful therapy that combines different sounds and vocal toning to improve our multi-dimensional wellbeing by creating a uniquely beautiful experience, where all layers of our luminous energy field (body, mind, soul and spirit) is awakened and harmoniously attuned gently and lovingly. 

The Sound vibrations help repair and regenerate our bodies by activating our cellular structure, penetrating deep into our tissues, while promoting deep states of relaxation to allow the body to release energetic blockages and thus help facilitate healing on a physical, mental, and emotional level. 

Some benefits of sound healing: Boosts body’s immune system, Regulating muscle tension, Lower’s blood pressure, Helps lower symptoms of anxiety and depression, Post traumatic stress disorder, Improves sleep quality, Stress Reduction 

Wellness Workshops

We offer a variety of sacred teachings and transformative activities inspired by both ancient and modern healing modalities.

Our workshops allow us the opportunity to connect our heart, mind and soul. They are co-created with invited teachers, practitioners and thought leaders to provide, share and facilitate inspired new interactive experiences. We incorporate elements of guided meditation, breath work, visualization, sound, movement, inner child connection, shadow work, journaling, gratitude practices, self inquiry, mirror work, self reflection, mindfulness exercises and integrative group sharing.

These intentional offerings allow for the development of personal rituals that will enhance spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health.

Interactive Family Gatherings

A circle of friends is a dream we can share where everyone is treated with kindness and care. A beautiful and intentional comm-unity event that connects families together to share a magical experience through play, exploration and creativity. These activities introduce healing practices that allow the children of the Earth to grow in wisdom and love while teaching and reminding us to drop back into our inner child. 

Each gathering we aim to make healing look appealing as we bring in elements of faerie fun through sound, song, dance, storytelling, tea time, crafts, breath, visualization and mindfulness exercises. 

As we learn to care for ourselves we also use this as an opportunity to consciously care for others that are less fortunate. We are a rainbow of possibilities when we bring in the light so color the world with love by being kind, giving, positive and bright. 

Sacred Sisterhood Circles

The sisterhood circle calls us home to our ancient roots of connection where women were intimate with the cycles of the season and the rhythms of their own bodies. We provide a safe space built on the foundations of support and empowerment so that each sis-star may lovingly journey through barriers; learning to trust, share, receive, surrender, appreciate, flow, heal and embrace one another on their healing path.

This supportive gathering is co-created with intention to allow one to go deeper into their experience; trusting to be divinely held by the feminine spirit so that she may return to her own internal power, wisdom, strength, balance and intuition.

Sweet Mother Medicina

As we learn to get back to our roots and return to more natural ways of being, we discover the medicina of the land was lost but never forgotten.

This remembering allows us to honor our first mother for her abundance of nourishment and protection; as she provides the space of life and the elements of all creation.

Holding a deep reverence for the sacred reciprocity that occurs while working in harmony with nature, we often invite the healing energies of cacao, teas, rapé, sananga, botanicals, herbs and crystals into our ceremonies and circles.

We give thanks and honor to the healing crystalline waters, the plants, the animals, the indigenous cultures and our sweet Mother for these many gifts that sustain and support us as we nourish to flourish.


Reiki is an ancient healing technique that utilizes light touch and intention with the gentle power to help restore balance and increase the energies of the physical, emotional and spiritual body. 

This universal life energy surrounds and embodies all living things. It is the life force  that flows through us all and works with one’s own natural healing ability within self. Increasing vitality can help release blockages in the meridians while nurturing and supporting individuals through their unique healing process; empowering a re-connection to our inate essence and inner radiance.

Reiki Attunements

Reiki is a holistic healing modality that is passed from master to student through a sacred teaching called an attunement. This initiation process clears the vessel so one may align and connect deeper to source energy.

Attunements are received at levels 1, 2 and 3. Each level of training creates a deeper sensitivity to the frequencies of the mind, body and spirit. These sessions and the practices that follow allow one to sustain a high vibration of love and light so they can then channel and move this universal energy in others.

Soul-itude Sessions

These Interactive soul programs are intentionally and intuitively structured to bring deeper elements of competence, commitment and confidence into your life while providing you tools and techniques on your journey. 

They are designed as a guided 3-4 week interactive daily devotional practice. These can be used in an actionable and motivational format to create new healthy rituals for those that are ready for a pattern interrupt, have a passion for personal growth, are willing to commit to self improvement and are ready to embrace new opportunities for healing.